Our Academics
St. Mary’s School faith community is soundly rooted in the message and teachings of Jesus Christ. Our students live out the values of the Gospel through daily religion classes, daily prayer, weekly masses, celebration of the Sacraments, and service to others. Priests visit the classrooms regularly, and students actively participate in mass by reading and leading the music.

Physical Education
We recognize the importance of physical health in the process of educating the whole child; therefore, students have Physical Education classes 3 times a week at
St. Mary’s School. Units of instruction include an introduction to various sports, physical strength and conditioning, and overall health and wellness. Students learn how to make healthy choices regarding their physical activity and nutrition. A field day is held in May as a fun way to encourage all students to move and work together as a team.

The Sadlier Math curriculum is utilized in kindergarten – 2nd grade to build number sense and introduce basic facts, units of measurement, geometry, and problem solving. Grades 3-6 use Saxon Math to master these basic skills and extend their understanding of mathematical operations, algebra, probability, and real-world applications. Concepts are reviewed consistently to encourage student progress. Students leave St. Mary’s School well prepared for mathematics at the high school level.
Music classes are offered twice a week to students in preschool through 6th grade. Students learn about basic concepts such as rhythm and technique as well as develop an appreciation for different musical styles. Students prepare worship music and sing for mass each week. A Christmas program is presented each December and a special program to honor grandparents is shared in the spring.

Reading and writing are at the core of academic instruction at St. Mary’s School. Lessons focus on phonics, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, reading a variety of literature, and writing with a purpose. Students engage in guided reading groups with their teacher and visit the library to select books for independent reading. Library classes are offered once a week, and children have the opportunity to be read to with the intent of developing listening skills, building language, and stimulating imagination.

Our science instruction challenges students to dig deeper into their understanding of the world. Hands-on exploration and experimentation provide a variety of opportunities for all. Kindergarten students collect data while watching chicken eggs in an incubator. Grades 1 and 2 study different animals and habitats and invite guests to learn about their findings. Students in grades 3-4 engage in an independent science project twice during the school year. This project focuses on the scientific method and requires students to share their research with others in a creative way. Grades 5 and 6 continue to investigate with a variety of interactive experiments and microscope applications.

Social Studies
The social studies curriculum focuses on geography, history, citizenship and cultural diversity. Our students are given the opportunity to visit local museums and see history come to life. Our 5th and 6th grade curriculum includes an in-depth study of Minnesota history which concludes with a field trip to the Twin Cities to view the State Capitol, Minnesota History Center and other important sites. Our school also participates in the Junior Achievement program where volunteers come into the classroom to teach real-life lessons on entrepreneurship, economics and career readiness.